What are idioms?
Idiomatic expressions or idioms are a type of informal language that have a meaning different from the meaning of the words in the expression.
An idiom is an expression that typically presents a figurative, non-literal meaning attached to the phrase.
in hot water
- to be in difficulties, especially in serious trouble

butterflies in one’s stomach
- to be very nervous and anxious
under the weather
- to be or feel ill / sad or lack energy

hold your horses
- to wait / slow down / consider things carefully

a piece of cake
- something very easy to do

knock one’s socks off
- to delight, thrill, amaze / impress

let the cat out of the bag
- to reveal a secret, usually unintentionally

at the drop
of a hat
- immediately, without any delay or hesitation

cost an arm and a leg

pull one’s leg
- to play a joke, tease, trick someone in a friendly way

caught between two stools
- to be unable to choose between two alternatives

lose one’s marbles
- to act in a crazy or strange way

hit the sack

all ears
- to be eager to hear / listen attentively

cold feet
- to lose courage to do something you had planned
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